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This bath is no joke. Go primal. Made from pure, raw and vegan ingredients this revitalizing and deeply stimulating bath helps to unburden the body from toxins such as environmental irritants, overindulgence and technological pollution. Sea salt aids in stimulating circulation and blood flow, which can open the body's cells to deep cleansing. Single origin Montmorillonite clay's negative charge helps to attract unhealthy, positively charged radiation that accumulates in the body and assists in absorbing toxic build-up. Soothing Spirulina and Laminaria help nourish the skin to restore hydration and vitality. Reclaim your energy!

Suggested Use: 
As a pre- and post-bathing ritual, drink 8-16oz of spring water to stay hydrated. Fill your tub with warm water and add sea salt and algae and stir with a wooden spoon to fully dissolve ingredients. Hop into the tub and then add the clay powder. Soak for 15-20 minutes, immersing your body, keeping the water at a consistent temperature and relax while the minerals go to work. Rinse the clay off thoroughly and pat dry. Immediately wrap yourself in a towel and relax under a warm blanket for 15-30 minutes as your body continues to detoxify through perspiration. Rest. 
Note: Clay will leave sediment in the tub after water is drained. Discard excess clay to avoid drain clog.

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